Just love people

Just recently we came out with another T-shirt on our shop (link above) designed with more of Liam’s cute artwork. “Just. Love. People.”


I just had to share where we got this phrase! Unfortunately, it won’t allow me to upload the video here, but check out our facebook page if you’d like to see the cute short clip @ https://www.facebook.com/lifeforliamandoliver.

Years ago, Liam would love to sing and dance (he stills dances) in the shower. I was able to capture the audio of him singing one day in the shower, “I just love people, I just love people…”, and ever since we’ll repeat that song of his when we remember it. He really does just LOVE people! It’s certainly one of my favorite attributes he has!

The thing is, he loves people no matter what. I’m talking, strangers on the street, someone in the grocery store, a woman walking her dog,… LOVES them!

Funny side story to add here… We were doing the downtown Halloween trick or treat a couple years ago, and there was a guy from one of the businesses in a creepy costume trying to scare Liam… and Liam just said hello and wanted to chat with him… ummmm…

So ya, he just loves people.

Loves his brothers too!

Loves his brothers too!

But here’s the story I’ve been meaning to share for a while now. One that really touches my heart every time I think of it.

We attend church, and after church (pre-COVID - that’s the time line for things now), everyone would head over to the Cafe in the church to grab lunch, coffee, and to hang out and talk.

I had all the kids with me and I was talking with a friend. As we were chatting, Liam left my side (of course he did!) and walked over to where a homeless man was sitting, eating his lunch all alone at a table. (Our church has a wonderful homeless ministry, and I’m so glad they feel welcome there!)

Liam noticed that the man was alone, and wanted to talk to him. At this point, I stopped talking to my friend and took a few steps closer to hear what Liam had to say. Liam walked up to the man with a touch of his arm and a hello as a greeting, and took a seat across from him. He asked him his name. Then told him his, “I’m Liam!”. Then proceeded to barrage him with all the questions: “What are you eating?”, “Why?”, “Do you have a cat?”, “Do you have a dog?” “Why”, “I’m Liam!”, “What’s your name?”… Liam really likes to repeat questions a LOT.

The man smiled and said something to him, and Liam laughed and laughed, and went on with more questions, and even some high fives.

As I’m watching this my eyes started to water, and I looked around to a few others who had also witnessed this and were wiping away their own tears. This right here. THIS. This is what it’s all about, this is what we are supposed to be doing! It was such an incredible and yet so simple example of love.

Does it matter what clothes someone is wearing?

Does it matter how much money someone has or does not have?

Does it matter what someone has done in their past?

Does it matter what skin color someone has?

Does it matter what society might try to tell you about a group of people?

NO! God loves and created uniquely every single person on this planet, AND DIED for them! And tells us we should love them just the same, no matter what! Go befriend someone who needs it. Talk and listen to someone who is different than you. Love on someone who might be considered “less than” by some.

(oops, did I get a little preachy there?)

I am so grateful for that moment, and Liam’s example of love. I learned a lot from him and still do. Don’t worry, I did go over and rescue the nice man from Liam’s non-stop questioning, and was able to meet and talk with him as well. ❤️

John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


The family moves across country…. again!


Eternal Perspectives